Information Systems Research Ranker

We hope you find our system useful. We have compiled articles from 10 of the most well known Information Systems Research Journals and put them into a system that lets you find a particular University or Author rank!

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Research Ranking - Free of Charge

We recognized a need for a free service that allows users to rank IS Researchers without paying unnecessary fees. We are working hard to add more features to make your experience even better!

Current Features

Enough of That, Lets Get Started!

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Our database currently includes 10 journals including the AIS Senior Scholars' Basket of Journals and we're working to add more.


Our database includes articles since 2010!

Ranking Types

You can choose to return your rankings by University or by Author!

More Features Coming

We're working diligently to add features that allow you to search University rankings by NCAA Conference or geographical region or search by article topic!

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